Jack LaLanne has been pumping the nation up for more than 70 years.
Trent Lane
Trent Lane is not your average 95-year-old. Heck, he’s not your average 40-year-old!
Tony Pacelli
Tony Pacelli has the need for speed, and he celebrated his 90th birthday by taking a spin around the Daytona International Speedway.
Carol Seagrave
Carol Seagrave is one of the nation’s top experts in creative planning for mid- and late-life years, and she’s also a tremendous athlete.
Violet Sesco
Eighty-year-old Violet Sesco is a great-great-grandmother and a member of the Professional Women’s Bassmaster Tour
Charlie Futrell
Charlie Futrell is an 85-year-old superman.
Cy Peachy
Lifelong golfer Cy Peachy fulfilled a dream by playing in a tournament against golfing greats Arnold Palmer and Gary Player.
Bernie Sher
Cancer survivor Bernie Sher isn’t letting a little thing like retirement keep him from competing in the toughest triathlon competition in the world.
Etta Clark
When a professional photographer and athlete turned 40, she became fascinated with the vitality of older men and women who seemed unfazed and unaffected by their older years.
Pat Williams
Orlando Magic Sr. VP Pat Williams is a man of many passions — marathons, writing books and his 19 children!