In 2005, comedian Steve Mazan was diagnosed with inoperable liver cancer and given five years to live. Like many comedians, he had one dream — to be a guest on the Late Show with David Letterman. He launched a grassroots campaign to get the attention of Letterman’s producers. Find out if he’s achieved his goal.
More than 30 years after he shot to superstardom, Rick Springfield retains a nearly mesmerizing hold on legions of fans. Two of those fans were inspired by Rick himself to convince him to reveal and explain this phenomenon in a documentary. (Click here to watch the video version of this story)
For decades, Ken Hechler has served his country and witnessed the biggest moments in history. He interrogated Hitler’s top commanders before Nuremberg, marched with Dr. King on Selma and taught alongside Einstein. Now 97, he’s still making history.
He’s famous for his villain roles but now actor Robert Davi is returning to his singing roots and showing off his romantic side with his new album, “Davi Sings Sinatra.” Find out why he thinks America needs these standards now more than ever.
What’s a frugalista? Find out how you can save big money without ever clipping another coupon and by not skimping on fun, travel and luxury items from Kate Forgach, a woman who has spent more than a decade writing about the Boomer consumer.