Matt Thornhill is one of the nation’s top experts on marketing to Boomers. He weighs in on how he sees Boomers changing the world over the next several decades in areas from extended careers, Social Security and end-of-life issues.
Tommy Johnson may be the fastest Boogie Woogie man alive but no one knew it until he overcame his fear of the Internet and posted a video on YouTube. Now this 71-year-old keyboard wizard is having the time of his life and has fans all over the world. (Click here to watch the video version of this story)
Most Americans are now running on empty — we’re exhausted. It leads to stress, sickness, disease and unhappiness. So what can we to start feeling better? Florida Hospital’s Dr. David Biebel offers 52 simple ways to start feeling great today!
At 70, NASCAR driver Morgan Shepherd has no troubles keeping up with the kids. He’s frequently near the top of the standings and he sees no need to slow down. But racing isn’t the most important thing in his life. He reveals what is.
At 70, Nadine O’Connor is a mother, a grandmother, a retired mathematics teacher and a world-record setting Hall of Fame track star. She explains why she and her significant other are trying to revolutionize the field of knee replacements.