Meet a mother of four who is unlikely crusader for change. But her child’s allergic reaction to breakfast sent her on a path of discovery, horror and a vow to discover how our food supply became so dangerous to our children. Robyn O’Brien reveals the startling statistics about food allergies in this country and explains how she went from a microwave mom to someone passionate about reading food labels.
Joe Johnston may be one of the greatest masters pole vaulters of all-time. He’s 67 years old and defies gravity. He explains how his Joe Dome is the real fountain of youth. (Click here to watch the video version of this story)
Meet a doctor who believes the lifespan of human species is about to explode due to what we know about genes and genetic mapping. Can aging be cured? Find out why Dr. Terry Grossman thinks life expectancies are about to become a thing of the past.
Do hobbies make every other part of your life better? Patrice Tanaka was at the top of the corporate ladder but she was in a funk. Find out how hitting the dance floor changed her life in ways she never imagined.
When he suddenly lost his vision at the age of 23 to macular degeneration, Alan Lock didn’t know what he was going to do with the rest of his life. After a bout with depression, he got moving — and rowed his way across the Atlantic. Now he’s aiming for the South Pole.